miercuri, 16 decembrie 2009

Alb....intre cer si pamant

Bucuria acestei zile sa va implineasca drumul....

6 comentarii:

Rascumparati Vremea spunea...

Multumesc d-na Elena

daca imi dati adresa de email va mai dau poze

Tasha spunea...

Superbi,sa aiba casa de piatra!

Glennis spunea...

Beautiful, the back ground scenery looks just like our Marlborough Sounds. is the photo taken in Romania? I didn't know there was such a lovely sea coast to your country. But then I know nothing about Romania, except there are nice people there.

elena marin-alexe spunea...

Passion4God -
Esti superba!

elena marin-alexe spunea...

tasha -
Dumnezeu sa-i binecuvanteze!

elena marin-alexe spunea...

My dear Romania is a very beautiful country. People are beautiful throughout the land because we all have the same Creator, God. Glenis Happy Holidays my dear! I embrace, Elena.